Sunday, December 6, 2009

What I've Been Debbie

Debbie wrote this about a month ago and shared it in an e-mail to our MOPS group. It seemed like a great time to revisit it...and see what WE are missing in the December hustle and bustle. Thanks, Debbie!

This morning as I started my normal walk with my Ipod stuck in my ears, I decided I would do something a little crazy. Instead of looking at the ground in front of me, I decided to keep my eyes up and look at what was happening around me. This is what I saw:

Magnificent old trees with unusual trunks that held colorful leaves that were falling softly to the ground…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

The eyes and smiles of other walkers…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

Rays of sunshine streaming through those old magnificent trees casting tunnels of light on the grass…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

As I broke of the clearing of trees, cloudless blue sky…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

A fresh glaze of dew on the grass…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

A wooden bridge that reminded me of the bridge that Christ gaps between me and my Heavenly Daddy…
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

A sister in Christ who greeted me with a hug and told me the weatherman had declared it a "10 out of 10 day"...
The words I heard in the song I was listening to:

Sometimes we keep our eyes down in front of us so we don’t stumble. We don’t trust our steps. There may be rocks or sticks or an unexpected turn we didn’t anticipate. Sometimes we want to disappear and not be noticed by others, thinking that if we don’t make eye contact, they won’t notice us.

When we lift up our eyes and trust that God has our steps and will keep us from falling, we see ALL that he has for us. We realize what we have been missing. And what we are missing is HIM and HIS GLORY.

It is an absolute HONOR to serve the KING of KINGS with you. I pray that you will lift your eyes in the midst of whatever circumstances you may be in and have a "10 out of 10 day."


What It's about...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy December!

It's been a while since we updated...lots of great stuff has happened. Check out Tracye's blog for a fun picture of our Gingerbread House (then click HERE to go see it and bid at Habitat for Humanity's auction site!). The top 15 will go to live auction...remember, the whole point of the project is to raise money for families who need homes. :)

Hmm...what else? We finished our Christmas boxes--here's a picture from the meeting before last (thanks again, Tracye!)...I think it's safe to say we all had fun, and I know the kids who receive the boxes will smile, too. Mission accomplished!

It can be a very busy, crazy time of year--if we let it be. Let's all pledge to stay focused on what's most important: faith, family, and friends. To that end, we hope to see you at some of the fun December events...childcare and dinner will be provided at the MOPS ornament exchange, so we hope you can make it!

Also, if you are still missing any bags, please contact Debbie or Mitzie ASAP.

And mark your calendars: Thursday, January 7th is the first meeting of 2010. Can't wait!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Prayers and Gratitude

Yesterday's meeting was awesome--Sue's table brought a yummy breakfast, Laura Kwiatowski shared information with us about March of Dimes, and we had a great discussion about holidays, extended families...what to do and what not to do. :) For those of you who were unable to join us, please know that you were (and are!) in our thoughts and prayers.

Which brings up a good point...let's pray for each other, friends. You know who needs our prayer most right now, but let's also pray for those who don't know that they need our prayer, for those who might be dealing with something in silence, for those who may be hurting or lost or weak...all those things we all struggle with from time to time. And beyond prayer, let's REACH OUT and send notes, write e-mails, connect on Facebook (hey, it's something!), make phone calls...let's remember each other outside of every other Thursday, and make it a point to REACH OUT.

Speaking of REACHING OUT...that's exactly what Debbie and Mitzie planned for us yesterday! We were asked to bring two names/addresses to the meeting yesterday, and Debbie gave us cute thank you cards so we could take a minute and say "thanks" to someone in our lives. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I was so inspired, I came home and wrote out SIX more! If you didn't get a chance to do this yesterday, try to do it this weekend. Gratitude is a lost art, and there's all kinds of research out there about how showing gratitude and just the act of being grateful can improve a person's life. I'm all for life improvement, and this is something that will make someone else smile, too. What a win-win!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend--there's lots going on around town already as people start preparing for the holidays. There are craft shows semi-locally for the next two weekends, and check out the sidebar for more upcoming events for MOPS and around town. If you have something to add, just post a comment!

Thanks to all of you for reaching out and being a part of MOPS. Thanks to those of you who put hours in every week to ensure that we HAVE a MOPS group. And for our friend in need right now, know that we are praying for you and for your whole family--God is awesome, and He can do ANYTHING!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Upcoming Events...

We missed all of you who were out this morning due to field trips or sick kiddos! :) Today's meeting was lots of fun, and I'm not sure how many Operation Christmas Child boxes we actually finished...but I do know that we still need shoeboxes if you've got 'em.

Mark your calendars...there's lots of fun stuff coming up!

This Sunday, 10/18: Brenham Mommies is hosting a play date at Fireman's Park, 2-4 PM. Check their website for more info!

10/19-23: We're providing dinners for Baby Shelby and her family (Melissa Manning!). Tracye has each day covered, but if you'd still like to provide a meal I'm SURE Melissa would appreciate something she can toss in her freezer. :)

10/22: Play date at Tracye's house! Please give her a call if you plan on going--979.865.8648--or if you need directions.

10/29: MOPS Play Date at Fireman's Park, 9-11 AM...bring your kiddos in costume and enjoy play time and free rides on the Carousel!

Remember, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month--make a self-exam part of your routine, and arm yourself with the facts about this disease. 6 women--all under the age of 35--were diagnosed in Washington County last month alone, friends. That's 6 too many!

11/5: our next MOPS meeting. :) Sue's table is in charge of breakfast.

And speaking of breakfast...Laura brought an amazing casserole this morning and we held her down until she gave up the recipe. Just kidding, but we did bug her a whole lot!

Here it is: Breakfast Casserole

8 oz. can crescent rolls
8 oz. cooked ham or breakfast sausage
6 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese

Roll crescent rolls out on 9x13 dish. Sprinkle (cooked) meat on rolls. Beat eggs, milk, pepper with whisk and pour over meat. Top with cheeses. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until center is set.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A little MOPS scavenger hunt...

A little blog birdy told us that someone's 13 weeks pregnant.
You gotta read the blogs to find out.
I'll give you a freebie: it's not the Pharaons.

Fun with Friends!

Today was an AWESOME meeting, ladies--wasn't it a great time to sit and reflect on friendships, and what they bring to our lives? What an amazing group of are each a blessing, and it's been so fun getting to know you all. (I can speak for the group there, right?!)

So, what's next...

*they're placing a bag order now...
*and the final order is due 10/15. Please have people make checks out to CHAMPION FELLOWSHIP. (oops, I did're not alone!)

*next meeting: 10/15. We'll put together Operation Christmas Child boxes...I'll post who's bringing what as soon as I get that info. Definitely, definitely bring shoe boxes, though--don't recycle any this next 2 weeks, save them for MOPS. (You recycle, right? No pressure...)

*fun stuff coming up...

-10/22, 10-12 @ Tracye's house...fall festival!
-10/29, 9-11 @ Fireman's Park...MOPS Costume Party (Carousel included!)

Also, welcome to our new Moms: Jennie, Julia, and Laura. We're so glad you've joined us on our journey! :) We've added Jennie's blog to our roll on the right...check it out.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are you ready for some MOPS??

It's that time again...see you all at 9 Thursday morning for another awesome MOPS meeting!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thank you!

Thanks to all who donated time, money, items, blood, sweat, tears, prayer...thanks to all who contributed to the MOPS Garage Sale. And a great big thanks to our fearless leaders for all of the hours you ladies put in, as well. We appreciate you--ALL of you!

See you this Thursday at MOPS...there's a rumor going around that we're going to do a super cool project!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Garage Sale--this week!

It's finally here, our annual Garage Sale!

We are still accepting donations, during church hours.

If you would like to help price, please show up on Thursday morning after you drop off your school kiddos. (Childcare will be provided for this time, only).

Don't forget, Thursday night from 7-9:30 is the invitation only pre-sale party...bring 2 friends and take advantage of the best selection!

We still need volunteers for Friday, 7-2 and Saturday, Mitzie or Debbie to volunteer.

Thanks--we'll see you there!

Friday, September 4, 2009

MOPS Garage Sale!

MOPS Garage Sale

Friday & Saturday, 9/11 & 9/12 from 7 AM-2 PM both days
Champion Fellowship (future Sanctuary)
304 E. Lubbock St. (Market St. @ Lubbock)

Have stuff you'd like to donate?
Drop it off at the church between 8 AM - 5 PM Tuesday-Thursday next week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to Brenham MOPS!

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20

A new MOPS year has begun, and if the year is anything like this morning's first meeting--we are a very, very lucky group of ladies. :)

While we chatted, we realized that several of us are either avid bloggers and/or avid readers of blogs. So we thought a blog might be a good way to keep us all connected, let people know what's going on in town, etc. etc. And here it is!

Please e-mail if you have a blog you'd like us to link to or if you just have something to share (great deal somewhere in town, great news, prayer request--whatever!).